ËÄÉ«AV has experience in carrying out reactions at low temperatures.


The most efficient synthetic routes of many products often require the use of low temperature reactions. The necessity for low temperature may be to generate and stabilize transient reactive intermediates (e.g. organometallics) or to slow down reactions to avoid undesired side reactions and/or to improve stereoselectivity.

ËÄÉ«AV has experience in carrying out reactions at low temperatures in a GMP environment and has the requisiteÌýcryogenic capacity to support the scale-up and subsequent commercialization of related processes at large scale. This capabilityÌýis availableÌýat various sites and our full capabilities are summarized below.

Please talk to us if your project involves cryogenic chemistry and you wish to partner with an organization that excels in scale up of low temperature transformations at scale.

Site Reactor capacity Temp. Range ºC Material of Construction
Loures 2000 L -100 to 100 Stainless steel
Ìý 4000 L -50 to 200 Hastelloy
Ìý 5000 L -120 to 150 Hastelloy
Macau 6000 L -65 to 140 Hastelloy
Cork 8000 L -100 to 120 Hastelloy
Ìý 10000 L -150 to 120 Stainless steel
New Jersey 100 L -78 to 120 Hastelloy
Ìý 400 L -78 to 120 Hastelloy


Also in Drug Substance Capabilities


ËÄÉ«AV has expanded its purification technologies to include chromatography to support development from lab to commercial scale.



Corticosteroids are produced in two dedicated buildings on the Loures site, which are equipped with vessels ranging from 50L up to 4000L.


HPAPI – Highly Potent API

Our service for HPAPIs ranges from Drug Substance to Particle Engineering.



ËÄÉ«AV has vast experience in developing hydrogenation processes using both heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis.


Membrane Technology

ËÄÉ«AV has a wide range of membrane capabilities at its disposal including nanofiltration and ultrafiltration.
