We offer a number of innovative particle engineering technologies, at all scales, to address recent challenges in drug delivery.

We specialize in particle engineering technologies to address oral bioavailability, lung delivery, modified release and taste masking. In each technology we can support you from proof of concept to commercial manufacturing.

Several commercial products have been developed and launched, and are currently manufactured by us. Our experience and mathematical modelling techniques allow us to confidently provide answers with unexpected speed.

Particle engineering Solutions for Solubility, Patient Acceptability, Bioavailability, Permeability, Modified Release, Enhanced Delivery | ËÄÉ«AV

 to learn more about our Particle Engineering Technologies.

Also in Technologies

Hot melt extrusion

Hot melt extrusion is a fast growing technology platform thas is utilized to solve difficult formulation challenges, primarily in the area of solubilization.


Jet milling

Jet milling is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry and remains the leading technology for particle size reduction and is most commonly used for having consistent and uniform particles during formulation.



At ËÄÉ«AV we have both top-down and bottom-up technologies to produce pharmaceutical nanoparticles for oral delivery.


Spray congealing

Spray congealing, also known as spray cooling, is a solvent free process that transforms a melt into well defined spherical particles.


Spray drying

Spray drying has become one of the most successful particle engineering technologies for improving drug bioavailability through the amorphous solid dispersion platform.


Wet Polishing

This is a proprietary ËÄÉ«AV technology for addressing complex particle reduction challenges.
