Knowledge Center
Poster / Dec 06, 2017
Ultrasonic versus Two-Fluid Nozzle in a Spray Drying Process
DDL 2017
When developing a dry powder inhaler formulation (DPI) for a biopharmaceutical two main aspects should be considered:
- Powder Aerodynamic Performance;
- Biopharmaceutical Integrity:
Particle Engineering Technology plays a pivotal role - Spray Drying (SD) emerges as a viable candidate
- From an inhalation standpoint: Relative simplicity, cost effectiveness and scalability with increased control over key aerosol features;
- From a biopharmaceutical standpoint: Mild Temperature exposure, commercial availability of miniaturized SD set-ups;
Spray Drying atomization step might constitute a stress source for the processed biopharmaceutical, ultimately causing its degradation:
- On conventional lab-scale spray dryers, this atomization step is performed using Two-Fluid (2F) Nozzle atomizers that produce a turbulent spray;
- Ultrasonic (US) Nozzle atomizers, on the other hand, produce a low velocity spray that could be envisaged as a possible alternative.
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Also in the Knowledge Center
/ Apr 25, 2017
On the use of Differential Scanning Fluorimetry to Assess the Impact of Spray Drying on Superoxide Dismutase for Dry Powder Inhaler Formulations
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