Knowledge Center

Patent / Mar 19, 2015

Synthesis and particle engineering of cocrystals

  • Iris Duarte
  • Maria Jose Pereira
  • Luis Padrela
  • Marcio Temtem
WO 2015036799

The present invention discloses a scalable and solvent-​free method to produce cocrystals in a particulate form.  A method of making cocrystals comprises the steps of: a) feeding a molten mixt. of at least a first substance and a second substance which are able to form cocrystals to an atomizer; b) atomizing the molten mixt. to droplets; c) solidifying the droplets to particles; d) collecting the said particles.  The invention also provides the use of cocrystals made according to the method of the invention in the formulation of a pharmaceutical compn.  The invention also provides cocrystals obtainable or obtained by the method of the present invention, in particular cocrystals in the form of particles.  Also provided is a pharmaceutical compn. comprising cocrystals made according to the method of the invention, in particular, a pharmaceutical compn. comprising cocrystals in the form of particles made according to the method of the invention.Â