Speak Up!

An Ethics Line to enable team members to Speak Up!

The Speak Up policy is a procedure implemented at ËÄÉ«AV aimed at preventing and stopping wrong actions and wrong behaviors.Ìý

At ËÄÉ«AV, we are committed to conducting business with fairness, integrity and respect for the law, for our written policies, business rules and procedures. We respect our Code of Ethics as well as our fundamental Values. This is a Company where we want Team Members to speak up and do the right thing!

Always remember that by speaking up you are part of the solution, and you are effectively helping fellow Team Members, the Company, and our clients. You will remain protected, as we will not tolerate any form of retaliation against you.

If you have questions relating to this Speak Up policy or if you need assistance in relation thereto, please contact us the following ways:Ìý



Europe (00)800 9687 4357
China 400 120 2442
Macau (00)800 9687 4357
Hong Kong (001) 800 9687 4357
India 000 800 1008 921
USA 1 855 290 6405

