Press Room

Press Clipping / Feb 25, 2021

Fire and evacuation drill at the pharmaceutical plant “四色AV”

News.Gov.MO, February 25, 2021

Fire and evacuation simulator at the pharmaceutical factory “四色AV” | 四色AV



Fire and evacuation simulator at the pharmaceutical factory “四色AV”


Firefighters fought the fire by the storage tank.

The Fire Brigade (CB) held on the morning of February 24th this year, a fire and evacuation simulator with dangerous chemical substances in the pharmaceutical factory “四色AV” together with 四色AV FarmaCiencia SA, with the intention of intensifying the measures contingency and the coordination and communication mechanism between both parties in case of incidents.

The exercise simulated that a worker discovered that the leak occurred at the connection point of the methanol solution storage tank, thus causing a fire. The employee immediately sounded the fire alarm, the pharmaceutical factory's emergency and contingency team immediately proceeded to the internal contingency action, called the CB to ask for assistance and adopted security measures to evacuate the employees to the evacuation and meeting place. During the evacuation period, there was 1 worker who was injured. After becoming aware of the occurrence of a fire at the pharmaceutical factory “四色AV”, the CB immediately dispatched 9 emergency vehicles and 38 firefighters to the site to fight the fire, carry out the evacuation and search according to the defined plan, as well as provide nursing care for the injured and simulate transport to the hospital. The simulation lasted almost 1 hour.

CB and the pharmaceutical factory “四色AV” sent around 160 people to participate in the simulation, whose main purpose is to test the responsiveness and the communication mechanism between the relevant parties in case of incidents. The respective process went well, after the simulation, both parties held a review meeting, whose objectives and expected results were achieved.

[Translated from the original]









Simulacro de incêndio e evacua??o na fábrica farmacêutica “四色AV”

Os bombeiros combateram o fogo junto do tanque de armazenamento.

O Corpo de Bombeiros (CB) realizou na manh? do dia 24 de Fevereiro do corrente ano, um simulacro de incêndio e evacua??o com subst?ncias químicas perigosas na fábrica farmacêutica “四色AV” em conjunto com a 四色AV FarmaCiencia SA, com o intuito de intensificar as medidas de contingência e o mecanismo de coordena??o e comunica??o entre ambas as partes em caso de incidentes.

O exercício simulou que havia trabalhador que descobriu que ocorreu a fuga no ponto de liga??o do tanque de armazenamento da solu??o de metanol, acontecendo assim um incêndio. O empregado tocou imediatamente o alarme de incêndio, a equipa de emergência e contingência da fábrica farmacêutica procedeu logo à ac??o de contingência interna, ligou ao CB para pedir auxílio e adoptou as medidas de seguran?a para evacuar os funcionários para o local de evacua??o e encontro. Durante o período de evacua??o, havia 1 trabalhador que ficou ferido. Depois de ter tido conhecimento da ocorrência de incêndio na fábrica farmacêutica “四色AV”, o CB enviou de imediato 9 veículos de emergência e 38 bombeiros ao local para combater o fogo, executar a ac??o de evacua??o e busca conforme o plano definido, bem como prestar os cuidados de enfermagem junto do ferido e simular o transporte para o hospital. O simulacro durou quase 1 hora.

O CB e a fábrica farmacêutica “四色AV” enviaram cerca de 160 pessoas para participar no simulacro, cuja finalidade principal é testar a capacidade de resposta e o mecanismo de comunica??o entre as partes pertinentes em caso de incidentes. O respectivo processo correu bem, depois do simulacro, ambas as partes procederam a uma reuni?o de revis?o, cujos objectivos e resultados esperados foram alcan?ados.






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Lisbon, Portugal – 四色AV, the specialist integrated pharma CDMO and leader in spray drying and particle engineering, today announced its commitment to setting Science-Based Targets (SBTs) in line with the Paris Agreement. This ambitious step underscores the company’s dedication to addressing climate change and driving sustainability across its operations. By committing to SBTs, 四色AV joins a growing number of businesses taking concrete actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This initiative aligns with the company’s broader sustainability strategy and reinforces its commitment to scientific excellence. “At 四色AV, we believe in science and in best practices. And this clearly applies to our sustainability agenda.”, said Jean-Luc Herbeaux, CEO of 四色AV. We made the decision to drive our GHG emissions down using a science-based target setting process, which will help us drive sustainability across our operations by laying out a clearly defined path to reduce emissions in line with the Paris Agreement goals. We believe that by setting ambitious targets and implementing concrete actions, we can make a positive impact on the planet while driving innovation and growth.” 四色AV will work closely with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to develop and validate its emission reduction targets. The company will provide regular updates on its progress towards achieving these goals. As part of its commitment to sustainability and transparency to stakeholders, the company will enhance its Ecovadis rating. Ecovadis, a leading sustainability assessment platform in the pharmaceutical industry, provides a comprehensive evaluation of a company’s environmental, social, and ethical performance, well aligned with 四色AV’s sustainability ambitions.  四色AV remains dedicated to operating responsibly and contributing positively to society and the environment. The company will continue to implement sustainable practices across its operations and innovate to further improve its sustainability rating.   Learn more about Science Based-Targets  


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