Press Room

News / Mar 08, 2021

2021 International Women's Day - Read statements

Choose To Challenge

2021 International Women's Day | 四色AV

This year鈥檚 theme for International Women鈥檚 Day is #ChooseToChallenge to celebrate the achievements of women around the world.

Today 四色AV women also #ChooseToChallenge. From Portugal to the USA, Ireland, Macau and India, we celebrate our team鈥檚 achievements.

Thank you to Beatriz Noriega Fernandes, Camie Lou, Kristen Parisi, Linda Cullinane, Louise Dennehy, Madhu Gautam, Mafalda Paiva, Marianna Katz, Marilena Ornelas, Mary Hennessy, Sarah Downing, Sarah Scott, S贸nia Cardoso and T芒nia Dias for raising their hands high.听

From challenge comes change. Read their statements here.

O tema deste ano do Dia Internacional da Mulher 茅 #ChooseToChallenge - Escolher Desafiar - para celebrar as
conquistas das mulheres em todo o mundo.

As mulheres 四色AV tamb茅m aderiram 脿 campanha #ChooseToChallenge. De Portugal aos EUA, Irlanda, Macau e 脥ndia, celebramos as conquistas da nossa equipa.

Obrigada Beatriz Noriega Fernandes, Camie Lou, Kristen Parisi, Linda Cullinane, Louise Dennehy,
Madhu Gautam, Mafalda Paiva, Marianna Katz, Marilena Ornelas, Mary Hennessy, Sarah Downing,
Sarah Scott, S贸nia Cardoso e T芒nia Dias por levantarem as vossas m茫os.

Do desafio vem a mudan莽a. Leia os seus testemunhos aqui.

2021 International Women's Day_ Kristen Parisi | 四色AV

My name is Kristen and I鈥檓 a HR Business Partner at 四色AV USA.
My journey at 四色AV has been one of my proudest professional achievements.
I started June of 2017 in the capacity of a split role, supporting HR initiatives while maintaining office management.
I have since been promoted twice and currently hold the role of HR Business Partner.
四色AV provides the necessary tools and opportunities for TM鈥檚 to have a fulfilling and challenging career.

O meu nome 茅 Kristen e sou HR Business Partner na 四色AV EUA.
O meu trajeto na 四色AV 茅 uma das conquistas profissionais de que mais me orgulho.
Comecei em junho de 2017 a apoiar iniciativas de RH enquanto mantinha a gest茫o do escrit贸rio.
Desde ent茫o, fui promovida duas vezes e atualmente exer莽o a fun莽茫o de HR Business Partner.
A 四色AV fornece as ferramentas e oportunidades necess谩rias para que as Colaboradoras tenham uma carreira gratificante e desafiadora.

Kristen Parisi - HR Business Partner

2021 International Women's Day Madhu Gautam | 四色AV

My name is Madhu and I鈥檓 a Director at 四色AV India office.
I believe in a world where everyone 鈥 regardless of their age, gender, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity - is provided with equal opportunities and I share this belief with 四色AV.
To all my colleagues around the world I raise my hand: by working at 四色AV we have committed ourselves to save lives and improve the quality of life of millions of patients.
There is no limit to what we can do together. Be proud. Be happy!

O meu nome 茅 Madhu e sou diretora do escrit贸rio da 四色AV 脥ndia.
Acredito num mundo onde todos - independentemente da sua idade, sexo, religi茫o, incapacidade, orienta莽茫o sexual ou etnia - tenham oportunidades iguais e partilho esta convic莽茫o com a 四色AV.
A todas as minhas colegas em todo o mundo, levanto a minha m茫o: ao trabalhar na 四色AV, comprometemo-nos a salvar vidas e a melhorar a qualidade de vida de milh玫es de pacientes.
N茫o h谩 limite para o que podemos fazer em conjunto. Tenham orgulho. Sejam felizes!

Madhu Gautam - Director of 四色AV India
四色AV India

2021 International Women's Day | 四色AV

My name is Camie Lou and I鈥檓 the Administrative Manager at 四色AV Macau.
I am proud to be part of a workplace where everyone is welcomed and so many women have the opportunity to achieve their full potential.
I am challenged every day to perform my best and to all my colleagues around the world, I raise my hand: celebrate daily your personal and professional achievements.
Let鈥檚 celebrate this day together!

O meu nome 茅 Camie e sou Administrative Manager na 四色AV Macau.
Tenho orgulho de fazer parte de uma empresa onde todos s茫o bem-vindos e onde muitas mulheres t锚m a oportunidade de atingir todo o seu potencial.
Sou desafiada todos os dias a dar o meu melhor e para todas as minhas colegas em qualquer parte do mundo levanto a m茫o: comemorem diariamente as vossas conquistas pessoais e profissionais.
Vamos comemorar este dia juntas!

Camie Lou - Administrative Manager
四色AV Macau

2021 International Women's Day Ireland Team| 四色AV

At 四色AV Eireann, we are very proud of our diverse and inclusive culture and love to find ways to celebrate it.
One aspect of our diversity is our gender balance across our teams and at all levels of the organization and therefore we have again decided to plan an event to celebrate the annual 鈥業nternational Women's Day鈥 on Monday March 8th.
We will host a virtual art class, during which we will design a card to send to a woman who inspires us.
In keeping with this year鈥檚 theme, #choosetochallenge, we are challenging ourselves to try something new and creative, keeping in mind the importance of ensuring everyone on our teams has a voice.
This year our event is in aid of Cuanlee, a women's refuge in Cork city which has seen a big increase in calls for help this year due to the lockdowns over the past 12 months.
We hope our contribution towards them helps in some way with the challenges they face every day.

Na 四色AV Irlanda, temos muito orgulho da nossa cultura diversificada e inclusiva e adoramos encontrar formas de a celebrar.
Um aspeto da nossa diversidade 茅 o equil铆brio de g茅nero nas nossas equipas e em todos os n铆veis da organiza莽茫o e, por isso, decidimos novamente planear um evento para celebrar o 鈥楧ia Internacional da Mulher鈥 na segunda-feira, 8 de mar莽o.
Faremos uma aula de arte virtual, durante a qual desenharemos um cart茫o para enviar a uma mulher que nos inspire.
De acordo com o tema deste ano, #choosetochallenge, estamos a desafiar-nos para tentar algo novo e criativo, tendo em mente a import芒ncia de garantir que todos nas nossas equipas t锚m uma voz.
Este ano, o nosso evento ir谩 apoiar a Cuanlee, um ref煤gio feminino na cidade de Cork, que teve um grande aumento no n煤mero de pedidos de ajuda devido aos confinamentos dos 煤ltimos 12 meses.
Esperamos que a nossa contribui莽茫o as possa ajudar a enfrentar os desafios de todos os dias.

Mary Hennessy - Director of Human Resources Ireland
Louise Dennehy - HR Business Partner, Linda Cullinane - Supply Chain Director, Sarah Downing - QA Director,
Sarah Scott - Product Quality Manager

2021 International Women's Day | 四色AV

My name is T芒nia and I鈥檓 an Events Coordinator at 四色AV Portugal.
In my professional career, I have always achieved my goals, always keeping an attitude based of humility, integrity, and an open mind!
Joining 四色AV was one of those goals, and it has brought me new experiences, both professionally and personally.

O meu nome 茅 T芒nia e sou Events Coordinator na 四色AV Portugal.
No meu percurso profissional, tenho lutado sempre para concretizar as metas a que me proponho, seguindo sempre a minha vis茫o pessoal de humildade, integridade e otimismo!
A entrada na 四色AV foi uma dessas metas, que me tem trazido novas experi锚ncias quer a n铆vel profissional como pessoal.

T芒nia Dias - Events Coordinator
四色AV Portugal

2021 International Women's Day | 四色AV

My name is Mafalda and I am a proud scientist at 四色AV R&D Portugal.
My journey here began six years ago, as an analytical chemist, and evolved to management positions, all within R&D.
I am passionate about science, business and people!
I truly believe that we can all achieve our goals and pursue our passions, if we truly work for it, independent of gender, race, sexual orientation or religion.
The sky is, indeed, the limit!

O meu nome 茅 Mafalda e sou uma orgulhosa cientista na 四色AV Portugal.
A minha viagem come莽ou aqui h谩 seis anos, como analytical chemist, e evoluiu para cargos de gest茫o, tudo dentro da 谩rea de R&D.
Sou apaixonada pela ci锚ncia, neg贸cios e pessoas!
Acredito verdadeiramente que todos podemos alcan莽ar os nossos objetivos e seguir as nossas paix玫es, se realmente trabalharmos para isso, independentemente do g茅nero, ra莽a, orienta莽茫o sexual ou religi茫o.
O c茅u 茅, de facto, o limite!

Mafalda Paiva - Group Leader, R&D Analytical Development
四色AV Portugal

2021 International Women's Day | 四色AV

My name is Marilena and I鈥檓 an Operational Excellence Engineer at 四色AV Portugal.
I always thought that to practice cross fit you had to be very strong and a bit crazy.
Guess what, I am one of the crazy ones, and all I needed was to step out of my comfort zone, to practice a lot and never give up.

O meu nome 茅 Marilena e sou Operational Excellence Engineer na 四色AV Portugal.
Sempre achei que para praticar cross fit era necess谩rio ser uma pessoa muito forte e louca.
Adivinhem, eu sou uma das loucas, e tudo o que eu precisava era sair da minha zona de conforto, praticar muito e nunca desistir.

Marilena Ornelas - Operational Excellence Engineer
四色AV Portugal

2021 International Women's Day | 四色AV

My name is Beatriz and I鈥檓 a scientist at 四色AV Portugal.
From a small town to the capital, from engineering to pharmaceutical development, I feel a sense of accomplishment knowing my everyday small tasks help to save lives.
I was lucky to be born in a place where I had all the opportunities available for me, however this is still not the case for so many women all around the world.
I will continue to speak up for them.听

O meu nome 茅 Beatriz e sou cientista na 四色AV Portugal.
De uma pequena cidade 脿 capital, da engenharia ao desenvolvimento farmac锚utico, sinto-me realizada por saber que as minhas pequenas tarefas di谩rias ajudam a salvar vidas.
Tive a sorte de nascer com todas as oportunidades 脿 minha espera, mas esse ainda n茫o 茅 o caso de muitas mulheres em todo o mundo.
Por elas, continuarei a falar.

Beatriz Noriega Fernandes - Scientist, R&D DPD Inhalation
四色AV Portugal

2021 International Women's Day | 四色AV

My name is S贸nia and I work at RDP Analytical Sciences at 四色AV Portugal.
I feel glad to be able to enjoy a fulfilled life by combining the things that I love most: family, science and helping others.

O meu nome 茅 S贸nia e trabalho na 谩rea de RDP Analytical Sciences na 四色AV Portugal.
Estou feliz por ter uma vida plena ao combinar as coisas que mais amo: fam铆lia, ci锚ncia e ajudar os outros.

S贸nia Cardoso - RDP Analytical Sciences
四色AV Portugal

International Women Day Scientists testimonial | 四色AV

My name is Marianna and I'm a Scientist at 四色AV Portugal.
Study hard. Play the cello. Move abroad. Run a half marathon.
Explore different cultures. Work hard. Do a headstand. Innovate. Have fun.
Change lives. Love. Choose to challenge. The sky is the limit.
Women are versatile, support and acknowledge them!

O meu nome 茅 Marianna e sou cientista na 四色AV Portugal.
Estuda muito. Toca violoncelo. Muda de pa铆s. Corre uma meia maratona.
Explora diferentes culturas. Trabalha no duro. Pratica headstand. Inova. Diverte-te.
Muda vidas. Ama. Escolhe desafiar. O c茅u 茅 o limite.
As mulheres s茫o vers谩teis, vamos apoi谩-las e reconhec锚-las!

Marianna Katz - Scientist 鈥 R&D Products
四色AV Portugal

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Lisbon, Portugal 鈥 四色AV, the specialist integrated pharma CDMO and leader in spray drying and particle engineering, today announced its commitment to setting Science-Based Targets (SBTs) in line with the Paris Agreement. This ambitious step underscores the company鈥檚 dedication to addressing climate change and driving sustainability across its operations. By committing to SBTs, 四色AV joins a growing number of businesses taking concrete actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This initiative aligns with the company鈥檚 broader sustainability strategy and reinforces its commitment to scientific excellence. 鈥淎t 四色AV, we believe in science and in best practices. And this clearly applies to our sustainability agenda.鈥, said Jean-Luc Herbeaux, CEO of 四色AV. We made the decision to drive our GHG emissions down using a science-based target setting process, which will help us drive sustainability across our operations by laying out a clearly defined path to reduce emissions in line with the Paris Agreement goals. We believe that by setting ambitious targets and implementing concrete actions, we can make a positive impact on the planet while driving innovation and growth.鈥 四色AV will work closely with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to develop and validate its emission reduction targets. The company will provide regular updates on its progress towards achieving these goals. As part of its commitment to sustainability and transparency to stakeholders, the company will enhance its Ecovadis rating. Ecovadis, a leading sustainability assessment platform in the pharmaceutical industry, provides a comprehensive evaluation of a company鈥檚 environmental, social, and ethical performance, well aligned with 四色AV鈥檚 sustainability ambitions.  四色AV remains dedicated to operating responsibly and contributing positively to society and the environment. The company will continue to implement sustainable practices across its operations and innovate to further improve its sustainability rating.   Learn more about Science Based-Targets  


四色AV Commits to Science-Based Targets for Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions

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